Monday, December 21, 2009

Public Enemy, the Movie

Originally, we planned to see the Twilight saga New Moon, but cos of my stupid big eyes I got the schedule wrong as New Moon show was only in the morning. That's too bad. :-/

Alright, no choice since wee were at the cinema already so let's find something substitute. There the guys selected a newly released movie on that day, Public Enemy, starring Johny Depp. I don't like him that much, to be honest. Never like him, in fact, for I still remember his ugly look in Pirate Caribbean. I mean no offense here, but speak the truth :P

The movie was so so to me. It's action type of movie, not girl's fav type of film of course ;) [I rarely like action movie except The Transporter series. Well, cos I am so much in love with Jason Statham! Way too handsome to resist not to like him. lol]

Alright, I know I've been blah blah-ing a lot. Time to see pictures now <(*_-)>

@ Kamiotai Station

Threat pon noeugn hoey, nov sa nhenh jenh teat!
Assumption of risk phos victim lol

K 3 yabb as usu. --> bearm the straw

Doesn't look fierceful enough --> Jung bann ort bann Oscar lolzzz

Rabbit becomes an actor?

Yo... jorng tov plov na ah Pov? Kech ort phot eh ;)

You wanna die?!? :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Message from 烏一


冬だから 寒くて外へ行きたくないね。少し動かないで、おいしい料理をたくさん食べて、もずく烏から豚に変わると思っている。特に、烏七(K7)は今皆さんに 空を支える柱と呼ばれているそうだ。Hahaha...


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who we Are

K1 - Kanha-litto
Mouthing, Eating, Singing

K2 - Seihaaaaa
Sighing, all time serious Looking, a lil too less Speaking

K3 - Vituy
Sneezing, Nose wiping, Day-dreaming

K4 - Nitroy
Staring, Commanding, Commenting

K5 - Khom
Talking, Laughing, Wastes Treating

K6 - cHEAT
Whining, Complaining, Lorb-ing

K7 - Nha Nha
Smiling, Grinning and Giggling

We Met

Nagoya, Japan is where we met. An alien place for seven aliens like us. winkie*~~

Never thought we could become friends and now journey 7gether on this very one ship called friend. Initially, gatherings of eating and singing have help making us got closer.

Nothing lasts forever even love for a lifetime, which people believe as eternity. Never mind :P commitment of making it lastly last is what count. So let's make this friendship alive for today bann hoey...??? lol